Ex-Mãe de Santo Baiana-Testemunho de Ivone Silva
Testemunho fortissimo de Ivone Silva, mãe de santo, conhecida como Mãe Baiana do Brasil. Era rica, famosa, e consultava com elites e artistas famosos como Sylvester Stallone e Gloria Estefan nos Estados Unidos e por outras partes do mundo. Deixou tudo quando Jesus Cristo revelou para ela, que tudo que fazia era com poder de Satanás. Depois de sua libertação, perdeu todas coisas materiais, mais ganhou sua vida eterna em Cristo Jesus para honra e gloria do Pai Eterno que morreu na cruz por nossos pecados.
Powerful Testimony by Ivone Silva, previously known as Mãe Baiana do Brasil (Baiana Mother of Brazil). “A Mãe-de-santo is a priestess of Umbanda, Candomblé and Quimbanda, the Afro-Brazilian religions. In Portuguese this translates to “mother of [the] saint[s]”, which is an adaption of the Yoruba language word iyalorishá, a title given to priest women in African religions. Iyá means mother, and the contraction l’Orishá means “of Orishá“. As a product of the syncretism, the word Orishá(elevated or ancestral spirit) was adapted into Portuguese as saint.”
She was famous worldwide. Many of the elite in Hollywood like Sylvester Stallone, Gloria Estefan paid large amounts for her spiritual services. During a flight to Miami, an evangelical Christian passenger, approached her and witnessed to her. Ivone renounced her prior service to Satan, and gave her life to Jesus Christ, after almost committing suicide.
Ivone Silva states in this video, that all the material wealth Satan gave her was taken away. But she praises God for her salvation in Jesus Christ and gives Him all the Honor, Glory, and Praise for setting her free from satanic bondage of practicing the occult.
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